Some important questions of biology CBSE 10TH CLASS
Some important questions of biology CBSE 10TH CLASS
Question 1. Which is the information source for making proteins in the cells?
Question 2. List two measures that you would suggest for the better management of water resources.
Question 3. Where does the process of fertilization take place in human females?
Question 4. Why did Mendel choose pea plants for carrying out his experiments on inheritance?
Question 5. What is meant by acquired trait?
Question 6. Name the scientist who gave the theory of evolution.
Question 7. What is an ecosystem? List its two main components?
Question 8. List the two ways which can be used to check the contamination of river water.
Question 9. Draw labelled diagrams to illustrate budding in Hydra.
Question 10. In case of the sexual reproduction the number of chromosomes in parents and their
offspring is the same. Justify this statement.
Question 11. "Energy flow in a food chain is unidirectional" Justify this statement. How do pesticides enter a food chain and get accumulated in our body?
Question12. What do you mean by the sexually transmitted diseases? Name one such disease which damages the immune system of human body?
Question13. What is water harvesting? How can this technique help in the conservation of water?
Question 14. List any four methods of contraception used by humans. How does their use have a direct effect on the health and prosperity of a family?
Question 15. (a) What do you mean by ‘Evolution’? List the various sources which provide evidences for the evolution.
(b) Give the evidence that the birds have evolved from reptiles.
Question 16.(a) What is ten percent law?
(b) How much energy will be available to snake in the food chain comprising snake, frog, grasshopper and grass, if 1000 J of energy is available to grass from the sun?
Question 17.
(a) Define speciation.
(b) Why are the traits acquired during life time of an individual not inherited?
Question 18. What is the importance of D.N.A replication in asexual reproduction? Why is variation beneficial to the species? Explain with suitable example.
Question 19. (a) Name the respective part of the human female reproductive system:
(i) Where fertilisation of egg takes place.
(ii) Where development of embryo takes place.
(iii) Which provides all the nourishment to the developing foetus. (b) Describe in brief what happens to the zygote after it gets implanted.
Question 20.
(a) What is pollination? State and explain its two types. (b) Give one example each of a unisexual and a bisexual flower. (c) Mention the changes a flower undergoes after fertilization.
Question 21. Teacher asked the students to study the different parts of an embryo of a gram seed. The steps likely to be followed are listed below in a haphazard manner:
(i) Soak the gram seeds in plain water and keep them overnight. (ii) Cut open the soaked seed and observe its different parts.
(iii) Take some dry gram seeds in a petri dish. (iv) Drain the excess water.
(v) Cover the soaked seeds with a wet cotton cloth and leave them for a day. The correct sequence of these steps is:
(a) iii, i, v, iv, ii
(b) iii, i, ii, iv, v
(c) iii, iv, v, i, ii
(d) iii, i, iv, v, ii
Question 22. Which one of the following pairs of vegetables is an example of homologous structures?
(a) Potato and sweet potato
(b) Carrot and radish
(c) Carrot and tomato (d) Tomato and radish
Question 23. Which among the following set of organs are homologous:
(i) Forelimb of a frog and forelimb of a lizard(ii) Forelimb of a bird and forelimb of a human
(iii) Wings of a parrot and wings of a butterfly (iv) Wings of a bird and wings of a bat Choose the correct option:
(a) i and ii (b) ii and iii (c) iii and iv (d) i and iv
Question 24. To determine the percentage of water absorbed by the raisins, before final weighing of the raisins after being kept dipped in water for about two hours, extra water from the soaked raisins is removed by
(a) Dry cotton
(b) Filter paper
(c) Hot air blower (d) Silken cloth
Question 25. Following are given a few statements regarding the process of budding in Yeast: (i) First bud may from a new bud before it gets detached from the parent body.
(ii) Bud grows in a new individual and remains attached to the parent body for life long.
(iii) Nucleus of the parent cell divides into two parts with one part moving into the bud. (iv) The parent cell divides into two daughter cells and the parental identity is lost.
Choose the incorrect statements:
(a) i, ii and iii
(b) ii and iv
(c) iii and iv
(d) ii, iii and iv
Question 26. Which among the following factors help in confirming the contamination of river water?(i) Measurement of pH of river water
(ii) Presence of chlorine in river water (iii) Existence of diverse life forms in river water
(iv) Presence of coliform bacteria in river water
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (ii) and (iv)