Monday, July 30, 2018

What is diary writing? What is a Diary Entry?


dairy writing

What is a Diary Entry? 

A diary is a record with discrete entries reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or a period. A diary may include a person`s experience and/or thought or feeling, including comment on current events outside the diary writer`s direct experience. It is generally written not with the intention of being published as it stands, but for the diary writers for use. How to write a diary? 

Diaries is a great way to keep track of your post and think about your future. You can make a prediction about will happen and see if they come true. You can see how you changed over time, and read over memories, having a few laughs anyone can write a diary.1.    Understand that eventually, the diary will become your best friend, silent confessor, or witness. You will eventually trust your diary with anything, even your biggest secrets.
2.   Put the date and day in the diary at the top of the page and also mention the time.
3.   Start writing the diary only if you really have interest in it. Do not just start writing because your friends are writing.
4.   If you are writing a diary for the first time, always start with a small one. For the first few days you may love writing in a big diary, but after weeks the thought of writing may before you. Keep your diary safely as it contains your own thought, feelings etc.
5.   Try to write your diary at night because at that time only, you can describe the entire day`s activities that took place.
6.   Start writing! Write about how you feel and why you feel that way. You can write about any celebration or disaster that day. Or you can write freely. Put your pen on the page and write whatever is on your mind.
7.   Start with the morning. Describe how it went and do not leave out any detail. If you wanted the day to go better, write how and why. If you have a special grudge against somebody, have no fear in expressing it. Move on the afternoon, then the evening and finally the night. Always say goodnight in the end and promise to tell later.
8.   If you have written in the diary for a few weeks, then do not worry about it. You can surely put the new date and give the reason and apologize for it.
9.   Always think that a dairy is a real person, not an anon living creature.
10. Do not write bluff. Always write truthfully. This diary will always listen, never forgot, never judge and nor will it ever reveal your secrets. So, do not worry about writing the truth in it, no matter how horrible it is.


Today you will not well and did not go to school. Write a diary entry of how you spent the day.

WednesdayFebruary 12, 20xx9:40 pmDear Diary,Today I was laid down with a high fever. I could not get up as my body was very warm and be aching a lot. Mom called papa and he phoned the doctor. Half an hour later the doctor came and gave me some tablets and syrup. Then told my mom to apply cold water swabs on my forehead to bring down the temperature. Mom constantly checked the temperature with the help of a thermometer. After three hours thetemperature of my body become normal. However, I was told to rest. How can a restless boy like me rest for so many hours? But my mother`s strictness prevailed and I had nothing to do other than watching the television When at eight O` clock papa returned from the office he was glad to see me running about in the house. Obviously, there were limits to my staying inactive. Oh God! I wish I never fall ill and I always have a day full of activities.Goodnight.                       { Written by= ARUN KUMAR }