Saturday, April 28, 2018

JavaScript HTML DOM Examples

JavaScript HTML DOM Examples

Examples of using JavaScript to access and manipulate DOM objects.

The Document Object
Display all name/value pairs of cookies in a document
Display the domain name of the server that loaded the document
Display the date and time the document was last modified
Display the URL of the document that loaded the current document
Display the title of a document
Display the full URL of a document
Replace the content of a document
Open a new window, and add some content
Display the number of elements with a specific name
Display the number of elements with a specific tag name

Document Object Explained

The Anchors Collection
Find the number of anchors in a document
Find the innerHTML of the first anchor in a document

The Links Collection
Display the number of links in a document
Display the href attribute of the first link in a document

The Forms Collection
Find the number of forms in a document
Find the name of the first form in a document

The Images Collection
Return the number of images in a document
Return the id of the first image in a document

CSS Manipulation
Change the visibility of an HTML element
Change the background color of an HTML element